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老外看两会 | 阮氏青心:中国两会是民意和政策的交汇平台

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“同志加兄弟”,阮氏青心 (Nguyen Thi Thanh Tam) 时常听到长辈们这样描述中越友谊。

“Comrades plus brothers” are the three words depicting the friendship between Vietnam and China which Nguyen Thi Thanh Tam hears from her families,


When she had a chance to study abroad, she decided to come to China, to study international economics and trade at Guizhou University. She wants to know how China looks like and brings China’s experience of economy and trade back to Vietnam.


By the end of 2023, China and Vietnam issued a joint statement on promoting China-Vietnam community with shared future. So, Nguyen Thi Thanh Tam concerns about the news of China’s “two sessions” a lot, “This is a pivotal moment for political decision-making in China, serving as a platform where public opinion and policy converge.”


At China’s “two session” , people all over the world will have a better understanding about China’s policies.


“China has made in education, technology, and infrastructure development”, Nguyen Thi Thanh Tam thought her time in Guizhou has provided her with a profound understanding of the remarkable progress China has made in education, technology, and infrastructure development.


From an international student’s perspectives, she would concentrate on proposing practical suggestions regarding environmental protection, education reform, and international cooperation at China’s “two sessions”.


She hopes, “Vietnam and China could further strengthen cooperation to jointly tackle global challenges.”


策划/ 王璐瑶 庞博 闵捷

文字/赖盈盈 王梓艺


海报/ 杨绍辉

贵州大学 传媒学院 联合制作

拍摄/ 夏旺珍 王平亮 徐炜杰


编辑 陈大炜

三审 庞博